Back In The Day

Vital lives are about action.

You can’t feel warmth unless you create it,

can’t feel delight until you play,

can’t know serendipity unless you risk.

– Joan Erickson

Back in the day, the old man was hired to provide security on a, how should I put this, oh, yeah, an organic farm in the foothills of the Coast Range.  The money was okay, if you were the kind of guy who had modest needs. 

And it was the best offer you’d had in months. 

She had big boobs and long red hair, her partner was a righteous asshole and the boy reminded him of Opie from Mayberry. 

He knew he’d seen this movie before, “Shane” maybe, but Barker Ajax needed a rest.

Time to get off the road.

Almost time for harvest and all they had for protection… let’s just say, they needed help. 

The fluffy puppy was a complete knucklehead and the old dog was so smart, he didn’t say much. 

You can see those two love bugs lounging in the bed of Barker’s hot rod Bronco. 

The shadow in the back window? 

Meet The Black Gang.

And so the story begins.


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