Healthy New Year!!

A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned. – Naval Ravikant

20 Quotes for a Mindfully Happy & Healthy New Year!

By Athena Staik, Ph.D.

Happiness is more than getting what you want. A happy and healthy New Year begins with you. It’s an inside job.

It’s realizing how grateful you are for the blessings you have, and how essential this is to energize an ever brighter future.

A list of resolutions can be great. If it hasn’t worked in the past, why not something new?

How about an overarching resolution — happiness — to realize what you’re already hardwired to, and that is, to feel happy, and be the primary source of good feelings about yourself and life!?

If you need something out there to make you feel happy inside, such as a drink or a certain person or some food, it’s a dangerous “comfort zone” and not happiness! Sensory cravings for quick-fix, feel-goods are a set up for addictions; they not only never satisfy, they lead to needless suffering.

You’re wired for happiness and health! Health and happiness go together; an inseparable pair.

Happiness is a conscious attitude you choose, a mindful approach to life in which you hold the reins to an inner source of energy (power) inside, which belongs to you alone, and should never be given to another person or thing.

Below is a list of quotes and thoughts making happiness a lifestyle this year. Whatever your path, the secret of happiness is always somehow to awaken and free what has been asleep, to become who you already know are — at heart!

      1. “All that counts in life is intention.”  ~ ANDREA BOCELLI

Happiness starts with an intention to feel happy. This lets your subconscious mind know your highest mission is a state of happiness. That’s not selfish. Caring for your happiness is the best guarantee to be a healthy influence on others you love. Regardless what is going on around you, one of the most important things human beings learn, is the wisdom of being happy, of thoughtfully responding to challenges of life, in ways that bring us closer and connect to what brings meaning to life.

2. “If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never be truly fulfilled.” ~ LAO TZU

What you believe about your self, your value, has the power to enhance or disturb the balance of your mind and body. Accept yourself as priceless. If there’s one resolution you need, it’s to experience yourself as a generator of your own happiness, a power source of love and respect for yourself and life, inside. A awakened being understands that: You need your own love to face challenges with resilience! You need your self-acceptance to handle any upsetting emotions and see them as essential guides! You need optimal beliefs! And last but not least, you need to become your own compassionate friend and partner … (and so does the other!) as prerequisite to forming a healthy partnership of two!

3. “In order for us to become truly happy, that which we can become, we must become.”  ~ ABRAHAM MASLOW

You were born an original. Why pretend to be a copy? It’s only natural to want the love of certain others; just remember, particularly in challenging situations, it is only your own love that you need to rescue you. Seek to know what you feel, and want, what you most aspire in the moment, and deeply value, to clarify options and optimize choices. Only you can truly know your self, your needs, dreams, inner promptings, and only you can create your life, by your choice to take the reins, to balance the seemingly opposing energies within you that, on one hand, prompt you to experience yourself as a unique individual, yet on the other, invite you to create meaningful and life-sustaining connections with others – a synergy that has far reaching effects.

 4. “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” ~ CARL JUNG

Happiness is a courageous act to live and create your life, one step at a time, to see it as a wondrous adventure, and to fully accept where you’ve been, as you reach to create an ever brighter future, and make your life an experience of genuine love. Happiness allows you to remain consciously aware and engaged inside, aware of every breath you take in certain key moments, every word you speak or think, to know and understand that you are creating yourself, and your future, and your relationships. Choose wisely. Ask yourself in potentially defining moments, will you succumb to act out of fear – or love?

5. “Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.” ~ SENECA

Genuine happiness is a choice. It’s a mindset that celebrates life, and embraces any fears as friends and guides, to keep irrational fears at bay. It’s a mindful connection that allows you, at any given moment, regardless of situations in your life that remain resolved, to choose to feel happy, to respond wisely, and most importantly, to give yourself the unconditional love you need only from yourself (and never another, though you may enjoy love from others!)  It is your own love and self-acceptance you need to keep you on course, to bring healing and balance to other areas or situations that may need attention.

6. “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” ~ANTHONY J. D’ANGELO

Who or what is in charge of your happiness? What do you most want from life, those closest to you? How do you want to show up, or feel in a given situation or with a certain person? Be that. Bring that. Act that. Call it forth. Think, imagine, contemplate, and most of alll, see and feel, and act as if what you most aspire to be and have is already realized and embraced with joy and gratitude. Seal the deal with regular action.

7. “The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself.” ~ ORISON MARDEN

Happiness is seeing your life as a series of opportunities, or moments, that cross your path, and that you are prepared to face with a mind and heart willing to celebrate life, even the challenges. It is a choice to authentically lead the energies your mind, body and emotions, with your thoughts, and an intention to generate good feelings in your life; and to make this your bottom line. Every cell of your brain and body eavesdrops and responds to your thoughts. Chose thoughts that positively engage you from within, radiating healthy and vibrant energy. Why not play more, laugh more, give more, appreciate more, and celebrate each moment, as you follow your bliss?

8. “Character is what emerges from all the little things you were too busy to do yesterday, but did anyway.” ~ M. McLAUGHLIN

Your intentions shape the overall course of your life, one moment at a time. They are emotional commands that put your subconscious to work for you, activating emotional commands throughout your body with a vibrating frequency that attracts more of what you resonate with in the moment. In effect, you are always producing what you – really, really – intend, consciously or subconsciously! Set a conscious and clear intention to let happiness be an energizing power and vibration in your life. A meaningful life is created in opportune moments when you do what is in the highest interest of yourself, though you may not “feel like doing so, and then realize that in wondrous ways, these acts are most always in the highest interest of those you love, and key relationships — and vice versa.

9. “Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.” ~ RALPH WALDO EMERSON

Do your thoughts focus mostly on solutions or problems?  Your point of power is always the present moment. Your life is your creation. What you focus on expands. Make happiness a lifestyle. Ponder the limitless possibilities for solving problems. Free your dreams from conditions. Make requests, not demands. Flexibility in heart and mind, allows you to follow your bliss. Connect to your purpose, and spark action to realize your vision — happiness frees you  to manifest seemingly impossible dreams.

10. “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ~ GEORGE BERNARD SHAW

Guess what, the latest in neuroscience backs this up. Your thoughts are, consciously or subconsciously, creating you, that is, your sense of self — via the emotional states, either mostly love or fear, you most access. Power is what power does. Choose actions that meaningfully create, energize,  connect, and manifest your dreams. Make it your goal, one day and moment at a time, to shift to optimizing thoughts, energizing emotions and positive actions. Consciously choose the words you speak, the thoughts you think, the attitudes of your heart, and wise actions. You become what you regularly think and feel and do.

11. “You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.”  ~BRIAN TRACY

Become aware of thinking patterns of blame. They’re futile wastes of energy. When you stop making excuses, and let go of the habit of blaming, you liberate inner sources of energy that free and expand your ability to be the agent and choice maker, a creative presence your life. This fulfills you, enhances your happiness, and openness to give and receive more love and positive energy. Radiate the life you aspire to manifest.

12. “When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine yourself.”  ~CONFUCIUS

What would happen if both persons, in a relationships, embraced 100% responsibility for bringing a compassion view of self and other to a situation? Thought patterns that turn the focus to who is stronger or better, who is right or winning, literally, destroy close relationships by setting them up as a competition. Practice mindful ways to calm yourself, breathing deeply to connect your mind and body, when fear or painful emotions show up. The road to healthy relationships is paved in present moment choices of turning into each other’s hearts in caring ways. The power of compassion is the only harmonizing power that not only brings out the best in two human beings, rather also creates a powerful synergy from two seemingly polarizing forces.

13. “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”   ~ BUDDHA

Ever wonder what it would be like if you simply give to yourself and others, what you long to receive? Make it your job to know what you feel and want so you can clarify options and optimize the decisions you make. Choose to enjoy relaxing moments, this day, connecting to what would make life more wonderful for you, and remember to also appreciate all that is already wonderful about you and your life.

14. “The moment you accept yourself as you are, all burdens, all mountainous burdens, simply disappear.”  ~OSHO RAJNEESH

Choose to let love, and not fear, be what guides your actions. It’s starts by seeking to know your self, and fully accept where you’ve been, your feelings and life with compassion by taking 100% responsibility for the outcomes of your life. When you do, suddenly, there is no one to blame. The amazing thing about this is that you feel a sense of healthy agency, you’re connected to your power to choose, to create, and that gives you access to new sources of creative energy in you. This is genuine love for yourself and life.

15. “You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you and allowing that goodness to emerge.” ~ ECKHART TOLLE

The beauty of who you are is inside. Tune into the part of you that liberates your creative voice, and energizes the courage you need to keep stretching to express yourself authentically, bypassing doubts, relentlessly seeking a meaningful connection to life around you from within.

16. “Whatever is flexible and living will tend to grow; whatever is rigid and blocked will wither and die.” – LAOZI

All you experience in life is either an opportunity for success – or for learning. Remain flexible to optimize the benefits. Opportunities are moments when everyday life crosses paths with a prepared mind and a willing heart. What determines how bright your future can is the present, not the past. Seize the moment.

17. “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”   ~ ALBERT EINSTEIN

You create your life and self by what you believe, perceive at felt levels about your self and life. Embrace it all, even the doubts. See goals set and challenges met. Feel how good it feels to be who you most aspire. See yourself choosing to walk, talk, think in wisdom. Notice how it feels to be at your best, and be the creator of your moments of bliss. See victories, high fives. Feel the glow in your heart. Smile.

18. “To me, good health is more than just exercise and diet. It’s really a point of view and a mental attitude you have about yourself.” ~ ALBERT SCHWEITZER

Happiness is a gift you give to yourself to live mindfully, authentically in the moment, to connect to your feelings and know how to shift to optimal feeling states of mind and body at any moment. It includes, no doubt, caring and giving your body what nourishes it, exercise and nutrient rich foods, and avoiding what does not. Most important, however, you need to feel happy about yourself and life in order to feel your own love and acceptance, to want to care and keep yorself healthy, emotionally and physically. When we’re happy, we’re more productive, creative, efficient.

19. “Deep listening is the essence of mindfulness – a cultivating of intimacy with your own life unfolding, as if it really mattered.” ~ JON KABAT ZINN

Mindful happiness is a form of meditation, a process that brings a relaxed awareness of yourself and how you relate to life in and around you that is guided by your intention to feel happiness, and to optimize the rapport between your mind and heart. It is a form of meditation, a conscious choice to breathe deeply to connect to your mind and body in certain moments, throughout each day, to get to know yourself, to love and fully accept yourself, to thoughtfully respond, to feel your feelings and emotions and self-talk inside, to mindfully respond to others, know how to self-activate your body’s relaxation response in triggering situations.

20. “Tenderness & kindness are not signs of weakness, but manifestations of strength and resolution.” ~KAHLIL GIBRAN

Tender and kind acts are powerful ways to energize happiness. The synergy of small acts of kindness make life a bit easier, and more wonderful for all. Studies show our brains release cell-nourishing hormones when acts of kindness take place, regardless whether we are the giver or receiver of a kind act, or even the observer of the kind acts of others. The true benefit is in experiencing kindness, giving or receiving, mindfully present in the moment. Is your emotional radar screen tuned into kindness?

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