How To Succeed In The New Year

You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind. – Hillary DePiano

I confess: I watch some of those gurus on PBS. 

I admit it; never send any money. 

But I do pay attention. 

Here are the (Wayne) Dyer Dozen. 

1. Want more for others than you want for yourself.

Whatever it is you think you’re missing, whatever health problems you may have, whatever addictions you’re struggling with, whatever lack of love you feel you have in your life, whatever lack of peace you have with your brothers or sisters or your parents or your in-laws, want the peace you seek for yourself to be more about them.

2. Think from the end.  See yourself victorious.  Act as if.  Intend to win.

Begin to see yourself surrounded by the people and the events and the things that you would like to have. You’re having a problem with an addiction, see yourself as addiction-free.

3. Be an appreciator.  Look for the good.

4. Stay in rapport with source energy. [Whatever.]

5. Resistance.  Every thought you have other than that which moves you forward is resistance.

6. Contemplate yourself the way you want to be.

7. Understand the art of allowing. Allowing means taking the path of least resistance. [Be like water.]

8. Practice radical humility.

9. Be in a constant state of gratitude. Be grateful for everything that shows up. [There’s a pony in there somewhere.]

10. Remember you can never resolve a problem by condemning it. Any problem that you have, when you use shame, you are using the lowest energy that’s out there in the universe. You cannot shame your way into higher consciousness. [Something to be noted.]

11. Play the match game.  Am I lined up with what I want?

12. Meditate. [Keep a daily journal.]

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