Dog Date Afternoon

Is not old wine wholesomest, old pippins toothsomest, old wood burn brightest, old linen wash whitest?

Old soldiers, sweethearts, are surest, and old lovers are soundest. – John Webster

True love will eventually slow some but there is little need to refrigerate and no expiration date.

Some years ago, the young redhead and the old man began a tradition continues to this day.

Kicked their relationship up a notch and so was begun Date Night.  For them – at their age – more like date afternoon.

Dog date afternoon, if you will.

A celebration of how lucky we are, of how much we have and how much worse our life could be.

And be ever so grateful.

Don’t look at those with more and feel bad about yourself.

Look at those who have less and grasp how lucky you really are.

Rambling here, I know.  Headed out for a walk.

Looking through drafts trying to put together a piece, something makes sense, sounds good, fun to read.

A walk will help.  Always does.

Got a date later this afternoon.

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