Cloth Propaganda Is A Sign

The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. – Adolf Hitler

A flag for those who leave no sign.

I find the flags oppressive. Are my neighbors really anti-American?

A lady around the corner died and her kids came from Texas to rent a dumpster and put the place up for sale. Two houses – two small lots away – a short white man with a tall black pickup is flying a half dozen flags. The flags suggest, indicate, confirm perhaps, this guy supports radical fascism in the USA.

Not democracy. So, you are trying to sell your house with your one sign in the window and two houses away the cloth propaganda blocks sight of the sunrise.

Where do all the faux patriots get their swag?

This Is Not An Endorsement. Quite The Contrary.

What is Respect The Look?

Here at Respect The Look, our goal is to help everyone channel their innerselves! 😎 We believe that all people from all walks of life deserve the opportunity to express their unique style. Respect The Look is all about weaving together style, art, and prints inspired by generations past and present.

Our Mission

We believe that decisions should be made with passion by a team obsessed with what they do. We take serious measures to ensure that all our products are truly “Respect The Look.” That passion from our team and an incessant urge to provide our customers with some of the highest quality apparel & prints in the industry has pushed us to do things differently!

The All Flags category currently offers 271 items.

And I’ll be honest, every time they couldn’t seem sadder, it’s something new.

One is stunned by how amused are the White Christian Nationalists about ‘let’s go, Brandon.’

When they are themselves just a steaming pile of past-their-expiration-date Karens.

Our HOA, think radar guns for speeders and armed guards at the gate for trespassers, has rules for signage.

You knew they would.

No signs basically.

One FOR SALE sign is permitted in one window facing the street. Otherwise, zero signs.

So, when cloth propaganda first raised its viperous head, I asked the obvious question.

“A flag is not a sign,” I was assured. Shows you what I know.

Which reminds me. What about all the NO Dog Poop signs posted in folks’ front yards?

The occasional turd would look better, if you ask me.

Plus I pick up and the dog can’t read.

He gets most of his news from television and roadside weeds.

Anti-democratic, anti-truth, anti-science, it’s not the image I want to project.

You can’t fly the Stars & Stripes around here any more – no surer sign of an insurrectionist in these parts.

That and the Men’s Club membership list.

The image I feel obligated to project is – you can confirm neither my ideology nor my sanity.


Woke or awake.

And that is just the way I will have it.

Until they pry this mouse from my cold dead fingers.

“…their power of forgetting is enormous.

If I was a complete nihilist, I could see how much excitement the MAGA crowd enjoys. The paraphernalia is fresh and funkily repetitive and they are always partying. You too have probably heard the wife swapping at the legislative level in Red States is real Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice-level sex orgy stuff.

Watching a local evening news investigative report, I recently learned ‘blow’ has more than one meaning.

We stayed at the Duval in Tallahassee when our Governor was in town and we barely made it back to our over-priced, weirdly-furnished room with all our clothes on.

Not your normal tourist visit.

Elect a pirate and watch what happens to your booty.

On daily walks, I pass more than one Trump/DeSantis 2024 flag.

You can measure the delusion by what’s flying in the front yard.

And sometimes you just have to cross the street.

You may say these flags are not signs, but they are damn sure a sign of something.

And I can read that.

Meanwhile, the absence of a sign is a sign itself.

Don’t forget to check out the MAGA Ugly Christmas sweaters.

Greetings From God’s Waiting Room

Second only to suffering, waiting may be the greatest teacher and trainer in godliness, maturity, and genuine spirituality most of us ever encounter. – Richard Hendrix

Respect The Look is not affiliated with, authorized, or sponsored by Donald J. Trump for President Inc, which is the principal campaign committee of President Donald J. Trump. Products sold through Respect The Look are not licensed, endorsed, or otherwise authorized or approved by President Trump, his Campaign, or any of its affiliated. President Trump’s Campaign committee does not receive any proceeds whatsoever from sales or activities.

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