With A Bowl Of Breakfast Surreal

If you can dream it, you can do it. – Walt Disney

Lottery Winner Moves To Key West & Becomes A Famous Artist In His Old Age….

Uncle Walt Disney Never Dreamed Goofy Would Be Played By Matt Gaetz….

Putin Forces Ukrainians Onto Reservations. What The Fuck, Vlad?….

2-4-6-0-7- You can figure the last number out by yourself. Me, I no longer play the lottery. Doesn’t seem right somehow. You win the fourteenth largest Powerball in history, you are not schlepping into some bodega to donate a couple more dollars to the state’s education system. Stupid enough when you’re poor.

Putin Forces Ukrainians Onto Reservations. What The Fuck, Vlad?….

You can almost see it now. Imagine today’s current events is future’s not-too-far-off history.

Critical Russian Theory suggests the genocide which occurred in Ukraine was patterned after the eradication of indigenous Native Americans during the 19th century.

Kill the herds of buffalo or mine the wheat fields. Small-pox infested blankets are another regime’s safe-passage corridors. What is a reservation but the forced removal of a population to lesser lands?

The Russians are happy to sign any peace treaty with no intention of keeping their promises.

A tactic rarely highlighted in tales of the American West.

Uncle Walt Disney Never Dreamed Goofy Would Be Played By Matt Gaetz….

Gaetz said “Republicans are trying to play patty cake with a rabid bunch of wolves” in their dealing with Democrats and offered his own “unchained and unbridled” brand of statesmanship as an example for others to follow.

“I try to be an example of how to take the fight to the other side,” he said.

Deny and deflect.

But there are receipts and a victim’s sworn testimony?

Oh, that’s different. Ha.

Goofy’s few friends, like Marjorie Trailer Queen, then began to accuse everybody else of being the actual child sex traffickers. Not really ‘everybody else.’ Just everybody they don’t like. Or who don’t like them.

And how did they learn so much about grooming, anyway?

It is a violation of federal child sex trafficking law to provide someone under 18 with anything of value in exchange for sex, which can include meals, hotels, drugs, alcohol or cigarettes.

Lottery Winner Moves To Key West & Becomes A Famous Artist In His Old Age….

Being honest here. Think of myself as a primitive artist. Like Henry Darger and Bill Traylor.

And Blues great Blind Melon Porkchop.

A primitive artist is defined as (1): a self-taught artist (2): an artist whose work is marked by directness and naïveté.

I define myself as yet-to-be-taught artist whose work is marked by oblique authenticity.

Plus I don’t do much.

Inherent scarcity.

Normal tourist visit protesting outside my house right now.


From a fly on the wall at Mar-A-Lago where she works for a big cockroach who can’t keep his hands off her underage ass.

Elise “Pedo Grifter” Stefanik is the next Speaker of the House.

Like dark follows light.


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