Quarantine Confessions of A Fearful White Man

Falsehood can hold out against much in this world, but not against art. – Alexandr Solzhenitsyn

5 important Russian books about the Gulag and Stalin's Great ...

I’m afraid my big goal in life is simply to get older.

All this crap I’m hearing from the snowflakes, you wear a mask not to protect yourself, but to protect others.

Bullshit! Wear a mask to protect myself.

Takes a brave man to drive his wife to the grocery so she can get the grub and the beer.

Takes a brave man not to leave the house for three months otherwise.

Scared of the Trump virus. Really, if you wanted to spread this shit secretly for a month or two, what would you do differently?

My old white neighbors are buying Chinese-made Make America Great flags which they fly at half mast to remember the tens of thousands who died uneccessarily from the Trump virus.

Another four years terrifies me. Think about it. Be honest with yourself. If we all got together sincerely and tried to fix this country, sincerely, do you believe we could?

And how is that going to happen? By whom? Nasty questions, you bitch.

We did finally bring a temporary halt to school shootings. Pollution is down. You can give Donald credit for that.

America is back in business, I’m afraid. We’re re-opened. Folks be frolickin’.

I can’t leave my house. Nothing about the Trump virus has changed. Nothing. I am old and the contagion doesn’t know I’m a white man who still has real hair. A veteran even. Never thought to claim bone spurs,

As it stands now, the coronavirus has infected 1.6 million and taken so many lives as if an entire midsize American city — say Boca Raton, FL, for example — simply disappeared. The toll is about to match the 100,000 killed in the United States by the pandemic of 1968 and is closing in on the outbreak of 1957-58, which killed 116,000. At this pace, it will stand as the country’s deadliest public health disaster since the great influenza of 1918-20 — all at the same time the nation confronts the most severe economic collapse since the Great Depression.

The historical comparisons are breathtaking, The Bulwark tells us. More Americans have died of the coronavirus in the last 12 weeks than died in the Vietnam and Korean Wars combined and nearly twice as many as died of battle wounds during World War I. The death toll has nearly matched the number of people killed by the initial blasts of the world’s first atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In terms of American deaths, it is the equivalent of 22 Iraq wars, 33 Sept. 11 attacks, 41 Afghanistan wars, 42 Pearl Harbors or 25,000 Benghazis.

Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Remember all the investigations we used to have. Good times.

Get the impression Donald doesn’t really give a shit about me. One thing when he goes after women or the media or blacks or the poor or Latinx – whatever the hell that is – or prisoners or geezers in nursing homes or meat packers, a man needs his burgers. Sometimes, I’m being real here, I worry Trump might only be out for himself.

Yes. I’m actually afraid of that.

To Trump, guessing I’m worth more dead than I am alive. Am I too old to join his camo-loving, gun-toting posse? Yeah, don’t make me laugh.

Income inequality beginning to reach the point, it ain’t gonna be worth the trouble of robbing us anymore. You’d have to be a real sociopath with his own crime cartel complete with a propaganda arm and foreign help.

Afraid you was gonna think that. Sorry. Low-hanging fruit.

I’m afraid folks are okay with children in cages and pussy-grabbing and the graft and the diminution of civil rights and the rule of law.

Rawdogging a porn actress and paying her off and then lying about it. While married in violation of election law.

Afraid there’s more.

The Trump virus so specifically targets all his natural prey, you’d think it escaped Ivanka’s perfume factory. About the time willowy white women with money fall ill, you can be sure there’ll be a vaccine.

Fear the new normal will be seriously abnormal. I’ll just stay here.

I’m afraid I won’t live long enough to see the ship of state righted.

Somehow more level than plumb.


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