He Was Way Out There

My goal is simple.  It is complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all. – Stephen Hawking

He was a Master of The Universe.

Stephen Hawking, the British physicist,  has died at the age of seventy-six .  He was often, perhaps rightly, compared to one Albert Einstein.

Not the best bagels, it should be noted.

Hawking also wrote a better book – A Brief History of Time.  Total sedative for someone who barely skated by Bonehead Science 101.

But a bestseller nonetheless.

I never studied physics.  Had to take chemistry a few times and high school is only so long.

Can’t really get excited about solving black holes, either.  Which nobody understands except maybe a dozen people, now eleven, who all know Neil degrasse Tyson personally.  And – I admit – I’d kill for a best-seller, but that was really not the important thing about Dr. Stephen Hawking.



Hawking has died at age 76 of complications from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, from which he had suffered since he was twenty.

So, what’s that, give me a minute…20… and 76… take away the 20, that’s gotta be 50 freakin’ years with ALS.

No, 56.

Lou Gehrig’s Disease for a half century.  More even.

I want you to think of this guy the next time something hurts.

Once diagnosis has been made, the average life expectancy is two to five years.

However, approximately five percent of those diagnosed will live for twenty years.

Hawking could probably do the math in his head but I am guessing he was in the top Nth percent.

Whatever Nth is.

Indomitable will.


Stephen Hawking, husband, father of three, teacher.  With a wicked sense of humor.

Think about him the next time you find yourself facing an obstacle.

You don’t even have to be genius except in one area.

Indomitable will.


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