My Mother Was Miss Punxsutawney

The groundhog is like most other prophets; it delivers its prediction and then disappears.  – Bill Vaughn

Everybody who knew anything about ciphering was called in to consider it.

A young man from a high school near here, who made a specialty of mathematics and pimples, and who could readily tell how long a shadow a nine-pound ground-hog would cast at 2 o’clock and 37 minutes P.M., on ground-hog day, if sunny, at the town of Fungus, Dakota, provided latitude and longitude and an irregular mass of red chalk be given to him, was secured to jerk a few logarithms in the interests of trade.

He came and tried it for a few days, covered the interior of the Exposition Building with figures and then went away.

– Bill Nye, “Seeking to be Identified.”

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