Is Your Aura Boring, Alice?

Wonderful week.  High among the red rocks.  On our way out of town, she had to stop to get her aura photographed.

The old man had time to read the brochure.

An AURA is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, encompasses and permeates the body as well as all living things. The colors and patterns within this energy field constitute a blueprint (the results of the energy we radiate from our feelings, thoughts, and physical being). Until recently, Aura’s were only seen by the special few who had a gift to see the rainbow of colors.
The first aura photo was taken by Nicola Tesla in 1891. The USSR expanded on his work through the development of Kirlian photography, and by 1975 UCLA researchers (Thelma Mose and Valerie Hunt ) were measuring the Aura with precise accuracy.

Through the use of this remarkable technology, we gain a deeper insight into our emotional – mental states, health and spiritual well-being. Thus we are now able to give a more accurate reading of the Aura based on the colors that are photographed. This is all done in our beautiful aura photo room in Sedona.
The color interpretations are universal in meaning. The reader takes the photo and interprets the particles of colors based upon their placement on the photo.

At Sacred Elements of Sedona we offer you a choice of how to obtain your Sedona aura photo. You will receive an accurate aura reading while using the latest technology of digital aura photography through dynamic and interactive multimedia biofeedback imaging technology. Sacred Elements of Sedona Aura Photos will create a personal representation of your bio-energetic state and show you your emotional energy, personality type and overall health wellness. This system assist in providing you with solutions for enhancing your life or raising your consciousness. This system allows us to cater to how much information you are ready to receive. We have packages which includes a photo along with a report as follows:

Photo + 1 page report + reading = $35

Photo + 5 page report + reading = $40

Photo + 23 page report + reading = $55

The young redhead went for the twenty-three page Aura Chakra Analysis.  There are many many layers of onion to that girl.

Page 3.  She’s between Orange-Yellow, and Yellow, more yellow.  Orange-Yellow reflects Personality Type and Traits, i.e., “analytical, intellectual, detail-oriented, social, material, communicative, organizer.”

Yellow indicates  “playful, sunny. easy-going. creative, intellectual, entertaining, curious, active.”

On page 13, words like “perfectionist, lightness, optimistic” are added.

Twelve colors from Red “physical, grounded” to White “transcendent, spiritual.”  Maybe one hundred traits, none negative.  Although he took particular note of “often spacey.”

The size of your aura is an important indicator of how much energy you radiate.  The young redhead, a middle, average aura suggests a strong presence and radiant energy.

Her chakra is round, which means balanced, harmonious chakra activity.  Of the seven chakras, looks like a woman whose vacation is ending and she is about to have dinner with strangers, then fly across country before going back to her last two months of spinning plates while standing on a two-legged stool at the hospital.

The young redhead scratched a yellow highlighter over her low score.  Barely a 30 on the Solar Plexus Chakra scoreboard.  “The Solar Plexus Chakra is located at the solar plexus and corresponds to Personal Power, Creative and Intellectual Thoughts.”

Prescription?  Have more Fun and Joy in your Life, increase your creativity.

Ask your consultant for products to help you be more creative, balanced and relaxed.

She bought more jewelry.  And a carved coyote fetish for the old man.

Seems the little wild dog comes complete with an explanatory note:  The coyote’s characteristics are arrogance and a sense of self-importance.

“That is SO you,” the young redhead exclaimed, a little too excitedly.

And he didn’t even need his picture took.


1 comments on “Is Your Aura Boring, Alice?
  1. JDW says:

    Soon as we got in the car, the young redhead starts telling the driver about her aura photo. “…analytical, intellectual, detail-oriented, social, communicative, organizer. playful, sunny. easy-going. creative, intellectual, entertaining, curious, active. perfectionist, lightness, optimistic.”
    Driver says, “That’s what Jack says about you.”
    The old man asked the driver to stop at the liquor store.

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