Our Slanderist-In-Chief

Putting irony aside, when I hear Mr. Trump whine because people said in public what “everybody” was saying in private and much of it frankly fairly obvious even from afar for most of us, I still become physically ill.  First the lies, then the censorship.  How it works.  

BoolaBoola BoolaBoola.  This from March 15, 1989. – JDW

Before I begin, it should be noted the photo above which accompanies my byline has been altered to obscure my actual features, with the same techniques utilized by the iconic television series “Sixty Minutes.”

Who are they kidding?  Every time Morley Safer says, “The appearance of this putz of a secret witness has been electronically disguised because his life, internal organs or major limbs will be in mortal danger if his identity is revealed,” I figure we’re looking at a dead man.  Or at least a guy about to develop a serious limp.

Wouldn’t you love to know the attrition rate?  I can just see his enemy’s wife sitting around the house, watching TV, and saying, “Look, honey, it’s Jack!”

Anyway, I don’t want to take any unnecessary risks, because I must…  I got this far and it slowly dawned on me, I’ve done this before.

Look, Honey, It’s Jack

The fight for democracy goes on.

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