Fake News Trending True

Breaking News!!!!
An unidentified White House source
leaked the following:
To help save the nation’s economy,
the Federal Government plans to announce next month
the Immigration Department will start deporting seniors.
(instead of bad hombres with calves the size of cantaloupes)
in order to lower Social Security and Medicare costs. 
Illegals are needed for yardwork and housekeeping.
Anyway, the source said older people would be easier to catch
and may not remember how to get back home.  
Because of this new threat,
suggested if you leave your house
take a light bag/small backpack
with change of clothes
in case they nab you off the street.
Tooth brush and a canteen.
Started to cry when I thought of you.
Then it dawned on me…
oh, shit…
See you on the bus.

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