Just Trying To Figure Some Stuff Out Reflux

There are fireworks in my head.

Four or five other guys whispering at my ear.

From the inside.

I have spent all my life

simply trying to stay calm

and get along.

Ha.  Haha.  Ha.

I can hear the laughter

and I know who you are.

Sent a buddy a poem, draft form, but finished.  Asked his opinion.  This is what he told me.

These sorts of writings are not my cup of tea, but then I never could get much into Alan Ginsberg, either.   Interesting maybe, but I just never was able to see the usefulness.
I took another look at the piece and I’ll just cut that whole part off.  Sucks, it was the ending.  Crisp even.  Worry about self-censorship, but if I hesitate and you can see it, too, well, back burner it goes.  For now.  Thank you.
Took another look at your note and got to musing at your comments.  I can get into some Ginsburg, certainly Howl.  Think I probably dislike all but one percent of poetry.  Just about finding somebody you like.  I appreciate the prose poets like Bukowski, James Dickey & Frank Stafford.  Springsteen and Dylan.  School ruined me for rhyme.
I am writing like this because it’s how I see the words.  The words arrive together.  That’s how I hear them.  And it’s a helluva lot of fun.  Not much choice really.  Spacing like this ***  because don’t know how to use computer.
Also, trying to remember my past, my life.  Can’t seem to recall in a linear sense and haven’t yet figured out how to piece together a readable account.  True what they say about drugs and alcohol and your memory.
Art doesn’t have to be useful.  But dawns on me the stuff has to be worth your time.  I get that.  That makes sense.  To be honest, that was never a problem with me.  Jobs were a problem.  Alarms were a problem.  Bosses, big problem.
Have no idea where I am going here.  But then I didn’t have any idea where I was going when I started.  Left without a map, and now here I am.

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