You Smell Nice

Passion is bullshit.  Goals are for losers.  You need simple systems that improve your odds. – Scott Adams.

Follow the rubles.

The world is not all they make it out to be.

One thing leads to another.

Get your head right.  Write your head.

Buy her flowers.

Don’t breathe your own exhaust.

You have to be willing in your heart to begin again every day.

Be of service.

Fear wants to be a wall.  Turn fear into a tailwind.

Blow over it.  Blow through it.

Be the “how” of adventure, not the “what” of adventure.

Doesn’t matter what you do, do it right.

If not right, try real hard to do your best.

And not hurt anybody.

Especially, well, anybody.

Unless they deserve it.

Hit first, hit hard, never let’em see you coming.

Bite first, howl later.

Not about what you deserve, whatever that means.

It’s all about what you believe.

And luck.

Nobody can do everything all the time forever.

I know.

I tried.

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